The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33575   Message #450105
Posted By: GUEST,djh
26-Apr-01 - 03:28 PM
Thread Name: O Brother vs. Morons
Subject: RE: O Brother vs. Morons
Mousethief and sean, If you don't already know and want more "PO LAZARUS" rounders Alan Lomax Series is AMAZING. The very good "oh, brother" soundtrack pales in comparison to it. and there are like 20+ CDs of them (Volumes based on the American south) and more coming. I recommend Murder's Home,
Southern Journey's- hwy 61 miss.,
both Georgia sea island volumes of Southern Journey's,
Bad man Ballads,
Fred Mcdowell -the first recordings,
Mississippi Saints and Sinners ( or anything else with Sid Hemphill)
or the whole blasted lot of them for that matter.