The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33677   Message #450601
Posted By: Liam's Brother
27-Apr-01 - 03:06 PM
Thread Name: Mudcat Man's Engagement
Subject: RE: Mudcat Man's Engagement

Way out in old California, where the lighthouses blink and they fade
A sharp Sacramento lawman, fell in love with a Rhode Island maid.

He'd started his life in Wisconsin where the cows they graze and chew cud
And dairy farmers with milk pails follow after and slop through the mud.

His first few words were in German and he fit them right into a phrase.
The next language he worked on was English. It bothers him still to this day.

He tried a few years of Latin at the seminary to say
But he up and he left in the middle although he never was gay…

…or particularly unhappy, just not cut out for the priestly life.
He just figured the best deacon's training was to live a few years with a wife…

…and get a good job with the Government, saving the nation from harm,
Saving the good guys from the bad guys without fuss or cry of alarm.

He stealthfully learned by computer each man's net worth right away.
How much he had made illegally and how much he'd socked away.

Years have rolled by since it happened and time soothes a husband's pain.
The lawman passed into retirement and an eligible bachelor became.