The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33708   Message #451318
Posted By: GUEST,bob mayo
28-Apr-01 - 08:17 PM
Thread Name: Anyone here know about Glaucoma?
Subject: RE: Anyone here know about Glaucoma?
my wife has had glaucoma for 10 years (she's only 48 now)

It is completely treatable, with drops if caught early enough, followed by laser treatment to punch drain holes in the trebecular mesh or finally with a miraculous piece of microsurgery called a trebby (sic) which involves carving a non-return valve into the upper front eyeball to drain the excess fluid.

This is now a routine problem with few after effects and no long term problems, other than routine check ups. You are lucky that it has been detected early. If caught early enough 90% of cases respond to drops. Unfortunately because she was so young when it started (the average age of patients in our local clinic is 75!!!)Carol was not immediately diagnosed and went down the whole route of treatment to 2 full trebbies. These are done under local anaesthetic as a day patient (which shows how routine they are)

Don't worry, just do whatever your GP tells you. For more info try