The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33708   Message #451387
Posted By: Malcolm Douglas
28-Apr-01 - 11:35 PM
Thread Name: Anyone here know about Glaucoma?
Subject: RE: Anyone here know about Glaucoma?
My mother has glaucoma, and unfortunately was diagnosed fairly late on, so she lost quite a bit of useful sight in one eye (the blind spots are interesting, though; ornaments on shelves appear and disappear depending on what angle you look at them) and she isn't allowed to drive any more; mind you, most people over 70 ought to consider very seriously whether or not they should continue driving, anyway.  Surgery helped a bit -most people don't need it- but in her case it hasn't solved the problem.  I get tested from time to time, and really dread the eye-drops and suction pad things applied to the eye, but that's only because I'm pathetically squeamish about it.  There is no pain involved, and even if the eye is operated on it's no worse -she says- than that sort of scratchy feeling you get when over-tired.  Time I had another test, actually.  One thing to bear in mind; stress can result in higher pressure readings than normal (it did the first time I had a test!) but that may not mean that there's anything wrong.  Ten years on, I'm still within normal levels.
