The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33689   Message #451518
Posted By: John P
29-Apr-01 - 08:49 AM
Thread Name: BS: Give us more PUNishment! (Puns II)
Subject: RE: BS: Give us more PUNishment! (Puns II)
I hate to harp on this, but isn't this supposed to be a music forum? Please don't get sharp with me for saying this; I really don't want to be out of tune with my friends here. I have always seen Mudcat as a bridge between musicians all over the world, and this kind of thread can make it go flat. All these joke threads just string me along, although obviously they strike a chord with some people. Does the dominant culture here really find joke threads to be some sort of tonic? My gut level feeling is that it would be cata-stophic. Well, drum me out of the discussion is I am way off key here. Just trying to raise the bar a bit, in a measured way. No need to start a bransle, I guess I'm just in a complaining mode . . . don't mean to rock the boat . . .JP