The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33708   Message #452542
Posted By: Peter K (Fionn)
30-Apr-01 - 09:08 PM
Thread Name: Anyone here know about Glaucoma?
Subject: RE: Anyone here know about Glaucoma?
Helen, the pain caused by acute glaucoma can be pinpoint sharp or quite vague and neuralgic. The latter can be mistaken for headache/migraine and vice versa. If it actually is glaucoma, your eye(s) will almost certainly be unusually sensitive to touch. You can test this yourself if you're not too squeamish. Just close your eyes while looking downward as far as you comfortably can, and apply gentle finger pressure on your eyes by pressing highish on the upper lids. It's a better test if you get someone else to do it. Also be alert for any clouding of vision that can't be blinked sway, and watch out for prismatic distortion around light sources such as oncoming headlamps.

It doesn't sound like you've got glaucoma, but if you had, vitamin C wouldn't begin to address it. On the other hand, there is some evidence that marijuana can sometimes help, both with managing any pain and by helping to reduce ocular, or more precisely, intraocular pressure (IOP). Even so, it is generally not relied on by clinicians, but might occasionally be recommended as a supplementary/complementary treatment or where there is a reaction against more conventional treatments.

Keep in mind, everyone, that once damage has been done to the optic nerve ends (the disk), such damage may continue even if the pressures are stabilised at normal values. This relates to the point I made earlier that the link between high pressure and damage to the optic nerve-endings (the disk) is not proven, nor fully understood. Here's an interesting article on this aspect, but remember it is just one of hundreds published around the world each year.

Unlike with some other human conditions, there is a high degree of consensus between east and west about the clinical treatments for glaucoma. Neither the dreaded weed nor alternative remedies seem to get high up anyone's list.