The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33660   Message #452794
Posted By: Peter T.
01-May-01 - 09:02 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat Tavern (More of the Different)
Subject: RE: Mudcat Tavern (More of the Different)
The Mudcat Taverna springs an alcove!:
(scrawled on the walls in Chianti)

Al cor gentil ripara sempre Amore,
Come a la selva augello in la verdura:
Ne fe amore avanti gentil core
Ne gentil core avanti Amor, Natura;
Ch'adesso che fo il Sole
Si tosto lo splendore fo lucente,
Ne fo avanti il Sole.

And under it in subtitles:
Love shelters within the gentle heart,
As birds shelter within the heart of the forest:
Before the gentle heart there was no love,
No gentle heart before love,
Just like the sun and light, they were born together. (Guinizelli, 1275)