The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33767   Message #452881
Posted By: Bill D
01-May-01 - 11:05 AM
Thread Name: BS: Knickers in a Twist
Subject: RE: BS: Knickers in a Twist
well, it really bothers me to have a thread reach 100 posts before I even knew it was there!!! *grump*

...but beyond that..
re:thread title...why use ANY UK or American slang/colloquialism, whether 'knickers', 'bowels', 'panties' etc.? Who not just title the thread "What annoys you most?" or "Pet Peeves"? Now, within the thread, if you want to slip into local dialect and catch-phrases to make a point to someone who understands you, fine, but some of us poor, elderly, uneducated sorts get very bewildered at cute expressions every third word.

2) re: auto brakes and the use thereof-- You simply NEVER use hand/parking/emergency brakes on level ground, no matter whether you drive automatic OR manual transmission vehicles. There are relatively simple techniques for stopping at lights and starting again using either form of transmission. Even with a 'slight' incline, all that is required with a manual transmission is practicing a little heel-toe movement from brake to accelerator while easing up on the clutch.

On a relatively steep hill, it IS permissable to add the parking/hand brake to the routine when starting from a stopped position.

.....but I suppose that my greatest peeve is traffic 'cheaters'...pushy, arrogant, selfish people who think their need to pass, park, speed, overrides ANY of your rights. I reserve a 10 circle of Hell for those who see lanes narrowing, and traffic forming a single line, and proceed to zoom up the side and bully their way in front of some timid soul. (Those timid souls get about the 6th circle of Hell.)

Of course, those folks who have never learned the difference between words such as 'affect' & 'effect' and 'there', 'they're' and 'there' get MY knickers in a twist and frost my windows ummm...upset me, too