The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #453851
Posted By: English Jon
02-May-01 - 11:31 AM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
Interesting. I've seen the Amway "plan" described in quite some detail, and this is all usefull information. Whether or not it is "credible information" as Amway put it is another matter!!! Squirrels, did someone say?

I think the fact that my father is a practical Socialist might knacker him in his business endeavours. He has a sideline in making appalachian dulcimers, which he sells for about £80 (about $120 U.S) I.E. at cost, because he thinks everyone should be able to afford a decent quality instrument. Where's the business sense in that? But that just illustrates what my folks are like. Too nice for their own good. Coupled with a Calvinistic work ethic, I just have this worrying feeling that they're going to end up working overtime for free.


English Jon (who is doing an 11 hour day today. sucker)