The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #453922
Posted By: GUEST,Confidential
02-May-01 - 12:57 PM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
the most pressing moral dilemma I ever faced was when a young couple who thad just had "the presentation" asked me what I thought. I can only reiterate SINSULL's comment [above] I had been @ the meeting as their interpreter, and professional ethics had forbidden ANY editorial comment in my interpretation. The clients were also friends, however, and it tore me up to see how overawed they'd been by the trappings of affluence [and the gaqrageful of soap] of the presenter, who was a "pearl" or a "diamond" or somesuch blather indicating PTBarnum award of the month . I signed to them, very soberly and seriously, IF is sounds too good to be true, it's probably not true. You want my opinion? amway makes some really good product, but i call it [fingerspelled] s_c_a_m_w_a_y"

their follow-up questions allowed me to explain pyramid/chainletter schemes.

I bought some soap and a bomb of silicone spray from them :(

so jon ... encourage the luthier in him to crank up dulcimer production , make some real beauts with rogers machines ...

cheers another Canuck