The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #453986
Posted By: GUEST
02-May-01 - 01:49 PM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
I am a regular poster, but will not use my name because I'm still embarrased to admit I once succumbed to the Amway "circle drawing" spiel !

Everything said in above posts rings true - from the hestitant behaviour of relatives and friends who are afraid to take your phone calls, to the "walk the beaches of the world" mentality of "upliners" who claim they're next door to being millionaires, while trolling the aisles of K-Mart on their noon hours looking for likely "prospects"!

Amway - their products are good, but there's not enough time in a year to sell the amount that will make you comfortable. DO NOT TRY IT AS A RETIREMENT SCHEME !!!