The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #454080
Posted By: Margo
02-May-01 - 03:45 PM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
ACTUALLY, legally, Amway is NOT a pyramid scheme. A true pyramid scheme by definition HAS NO PRODUCT to speak of. Amway corp. has wonderful products. I am signed up with Quixtar (the online shopping service) where I get my Amway products. They come right to me.

The big beef people have about Amway is the practice of sucking people in without mentioning it is Amway. I HATE that. If I was to be a business builder (which I'm not) I would tell people about Quixtar and say up front "the best thing is, you can get your Amway products without being an Amway distributor."

I tried the business building thing. Here are IMHO the difficulties with it:

NUMBERS GAME: Like any sales position, you have to talk to a lot of people before you find anyone who wants to get in. Not all of those who get in will want to build a business (myself point in case: I just buy for myself). So you need to stay motivated and believe in yourself to continue onward and keep looking for people.

TIME COMMITMENT: It's like a real estate agent at everyone's beck and call at all hours. When you make appointments to show the Amway plan you need to do it when it is convenient for your prospect. And you have to be able to follow up later. That's where I had difficulty. I have a family, and not that much free time.

MOTIVATION: A seasoned sales person is used to a lot of "no's". But for someone who hasn't done sales, it can be very discouraging. There are organizations along with Amway (separate from Amway) that help with motivation, but you really do get exposed to a lot of hype. If you get too hyped up, it turns your prospects off. You have to find the happy medium.

Just because it isn't for me, I wouldn't discourage anyone from trying. It is a real experience. All the best, Margo