The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33837   Message #454275
Posted By: Sandy Paton
02-May-01 - 07:09 PM
Thread Name: Help: Amway Corporation
Subject: RE: Help: Amway Corporation
We were invited to sing at a neighbor's "presentation" party when they became Amway distributors. The meeting opened with everyone holding hands and singing "God Bless America", followed by the impassioned inspirational pitch. These neighbors worked very hard at it, and were, for awhile, extremely successful with Amway's multi-level scheme. They sold the nice home they had and bought a very expensive estate a few miles up the road. They bought a fancier car. Their dream lasted for a fair number of years, and then their bubble burst. They had to declare bankruptcy, lost the fancy home and car, and one might even say they lost a lot of friends. They are now living in a small condo in a nearby town. Politically, they were Amway compatible, but the scheme failed them.

If your father's a good, old-time Socialist, warn him away from this super-patriotic, super-right-wing, super-religious bunch. To succeed in the business at all, he'll have to compromise his beliefs and values.
