The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7522   Message #45484
Posted By: Bill Cameron
15-Nov-98 - 02:59 PM
Thread Name: Most un-favorite song topics
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
1. How Can I miss you if you won't go away-- was recorded by Dan Hicks and His Hot Licks. (late 60's/early 70's smooth acoustic jazzy kinda band.)

2. The list of country songs, about which the less said the better, unaccountably has lost my favourite title: You Were Just a Splinter In My Ass As I Slid Down the Banister Of Life.

3. To finally get to the topic of dis thread, almost any song using the clever metaphors of "life is like a river", "rain (in my heart or elsewhere)", or an allegedly "new day dawning" usually has me reaching for the channel switcher. Bill "Its a New Day In the Raging River of My Rainy Heart" Cameron