The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33823   Message #455134
Posted By: harpmolly
03-May-01 - 05:54 PM
Thread Name: BS: I did it!! I did it!!
Subject: RE: BS: I did it!! I did it!!
To be entirely fair, this isn't exactly the job from hell--it's a non-profit community center, which means that there are some advantages in terms of being surrounded by people who are in it for love of community, not money.

However, it IS a non-profit--constantly over budget, underfunded, understaffed, and disorganized--and I'm under a lot of low-grade stress every day, which really adds up. The few personality conflicts I have encountered have just added to that stress. I guess I've finally decided that it's okay for me to say, "I really need to be making more money now, to invest in my future goals." The hardest part has been trying not to feel like I'm selling my soul to the devil--abandoning the non-profit world for something that pays better. I just need to remember that it's my life, and I don't owe anyone anything.

My housemate still works here (or will when she gets back from her six-month umiak expedition!) and I've made lots of friends here, so I'm sure it'll continue to be a part of my life. But I'm just ready to move on.

Thanks again for all the encouragement! Onward and upward!
