The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33952   Message #455716
Posted By: GUEST,Bruce O.
04-May-01 - 10:40 AM
Thread Name: BS: From Bruce O.
Subject: BS: From Bruce O.
Over nearly 3 1/2 years I've posted 3184 messages here, with factual information about traditional and old songs, and tunes and given many as texts and ABCs of tunes. This is my 3185th (and last) post to the Mudcat Forum.

This Forum, in my opinion, is now controlled by those who have litle interest in traditional songs and ballads, and just want it for a general chat site to display their wit, profundity, and just about everything else.

As noted at the beginning of the homepage on my website, I will attempt to answer any legimate qusetions put to me by email. I don't have all the answers by any means, and I'm certain no one ever will, but I'll be truthful, and go no further than the facts warrant, so you'll get only real history.

Got my reprint of Ord's 'Bothy Ballads' today so I have that, and many better things than this Forum to keep me busy. Goodbye Mudcat.