The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33952   Message #455949
Posted By: Peter T.
04-May-01 - 03:25 PM
Thread Name: BS: From Bruce O.
Subject: RE: BS: From Bruce O.
CP, you are what in scholarly circles is referred to as a scatological inversion. Your character as portrayed here is tied to the mirrored need to maintain ordered structures through the occasionally acceptable appearance of the contrary, yet necessary anal, excremental figure -- often associated with Dionysus, the Devil and other threats to implicit or explicit norms. Musically of course, we need go back no further than the association with the Feast of Fools and other events (such as the Feast of the Holy Innocents) in the liturgical calendar. The appropriate carnivalesque and burlesque roots in the folk traditions are, I am sure, your constant study. Was it not you who made passing reference to Bakhtin's study of Rabelais in your own flatulent way?

yours, Peter T.