The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33952   Message #455971
Posted By: RWilhelm
04-May-01 - 04:05 PM
Thread Name: BS: From Bruce O.
Subject: RE: BS: From Bruce O.
Years ago Mudcat really was dedicated to folk and blues music. It was not just folk but traditional folk and any attempts to blur the boundaries where met with fierce debate. In those days the prevailing view was that indulging an overbroad definition of folk music was like feeding a stray cat. Before long you have a house full of stray cats. At the time I thought that was a pretty harsh assessment but ultimately it proved true.

There is obvious a great demand for BS and non-folk threads but it can be a lot to wade through if your are looking for a discussion of folk music. Maybe it is time to split the forum into two sections; one for folk music and one for everything else.

The departure of Bruce O is a great loss to Mudcat. He joins a long list of exceptionally knowledgeable people who no longer post here.