The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33966   Message #456339
Posted By: wysiwyg
05-May-01 - 04:19 AM
Thread Name: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
Subject: RE: FYI/NEWS-Spaw & daVinci TOGETHER???
Dang, Pat, there ya go again with the BS! Can't you keep a grip on that crap!?

First, I don't believe you actually got Nero Wolfe to design a procedure for YOU-- that smell! From orchids to YOU? I DON'T THINK SO!

Second, pencil-sized holes? Whaddaya tawkinnabout? They must surely use a tool such as reamed out the, um, I'm too polite to say, the BUTTHOLE (there, I DID say it, good-girrrllll!!) of that damn' possum! Only cuz it's you, they gotta ream ya TWO new orifyce. (Plural, rhymes with MICE)

Cuz any other association with you and pencils, well, pencil head... or, pencil HEAD! (good girrllll!)

They fittin' tuh pack them orifyce with Vegemite then right? after? to promote, um, well, WE would normally think of healing...


iglglglglglglglglll.... (giggling)

I just GOTTA learn to express my feelings better when I so happy!

We all have issues I spose!


