The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34014   Message #456746
Posted By: Bert
07-May-01 - 12:29 AM
Thread Name: Message to CarolC
Subject: Message to CarolC
CarolC said...

"I play an unpopular instrument. There aren't many people who want to talk about my instrument. When I get into a serious discussion about my instrument with other mudcatters, people feel perfectly free to turn my serious musical discussion into a joke because they feel my instrument is a joke."

I didn't want to refresh that other thread so I thought I'd talk about your dilemma here.

You and the banjo and bodhran players can take comfort from the fact that you are not the lowest in the pecking order. You should try being a singer/songwriter. They don't even bother to make jokes about us, they just speak up and are downright rude right to our faces.

I was at a sing once when a person just up and said "I don't like singer/songwriters" knowing full well that about half of us there wrote at least some of our own songs.

Of course I exacted terrible revenge by singing only my own songs for the rest of that session.

So cheer up love!
