The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34014 Message #456769
Posted By: Bert
07-May-01 - 01:35 AM
Thread Name: Message to CarolC
Subject: RE: Message to CarolC
Carol, most of us (I was going to say at Mudcat but I think it's anywhere) are just singers. There are very few serious folk collectors around. In some ways that's sad because a lot of old songs get lost. But we each have to do what we can and do what we have time for.
It's difficult for a lot of us to talk about folk songs because many of us are not that knowledgable. We know a few songs and sing them the best we can. Most threads about songs don't seem to last very long because the knowledge just isn't there. But when it comes to BS we can make it up as we go along.
Just start some threads about the songs you like, and we'll fill in what we know, but as I said that's often precious little. Just keep plugging away at it.
WYSI, you're in DEEP trouble now. Don't think that you'll ever get away with HIDING your songs again *BG* That's a reall Mudcat NO-NO. The only rule us singer/songwriters have, is that you must shamelessly plug your own songs at all times.