But realize also that another form of folk art exists at Mudcat and that is the art of multiple author story telling. Personally I love it and think that it's just as valid an art form as traditional singing. Unfortunately others seem to view it as BS.
Thanks, bert. I feel the same way. I also would include humor as a valid form of folk art.
I've been looking at the various sides of these debates, and it looks to me like the one element that is missing, and that could make smoother sailing for everyone, is consideration for others. I see it lacking when singer/songwriters are told to their faces "I don't like singer/songwriters". I also see it lacking when serious musical discussions are not given appropriate consideration.
I love the BS and the humor. I participate in it regularly. I'd hate to have that part of the Mudcat eliminated.
Conversely, I was in a very informative discussion on an accordion thread recently when someone who was giving information told a poster to submit further inquiries about the subject of the thread by PM so the discussion wouldn't come under further attack by people who were making fun. Personally, I can handle the humor. But when my access to good sources of information feel the need to go underground because of it, that pisses me off. (In the American sense.)
So I think maybe there's plenty of counter-productive behavior being displayed on both sides of the discussion. Maybe if we look at it that way, we can agree on a way to treat each other with kindness and consideration. I sure hope so. Correct me if I'm wrong, but it sounds to me like that's what you're saying, as well.