The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34046   Message #457307
Posted By: Burke
07-May-01 - 04:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Subject: RE: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
The 'Baby Boom' was a demographic event defined by birth rates. From that definition it ran about 1944-1964. 20 years is too long a time period so late 'Boomers' like Alex don't have the experiences to really fit all the things that get attributed to them. IMHO the quientessial 'Boomer' experience was had by the earliest of the cohort. That late 60's early 70's unrest was more observed by the mid-late 50's kids than it was experienced directly.

The boom being followed by the bust, puts the 60's babies experiences with a much smaller group so not one catered to you.

I thought you were the 'preppies'