The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34046   Message #457393
Posted By: Blackcatter
07-May-01 - 06:34 PM
Thread Name: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Subject: RE: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
I have been using the title Gen-W for myself until "W" became a cuss word with my friends.

I remeber when I was a teen and got into the Beatles (10 years after they had broken up) and my mom started to listen to them as well - she never did before because it was the music her little sister listened too - I then told her that the beatles were actually all about the same age as her (she'll be 61 this year). She then thought it was ok for here to like them.

We do appear to be the invisible generation - the Baby-boomers got a lot of press for being more affluent and better educated than their parents and the Gen-X crowd was discovered to be mostly mindless drones that advertising companies can talk into anything (i.e. Mentos)

Sometimes I wish we could sterilize the great majority of Ge-Xers - mostly because I cannot figure how to make them way up as smell the dioxin.

pax yall