The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34046   Message #457441
Posted By: GUEST,Karen
07-May-01 - 07:59 PM
Thread Name: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Subject: RE: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Thanks, Don! I love knowing I'm not the oldest one around. I was too young to be a hippie and too smart to be a preppie. ;-)
Actually I WAS showing my age a couple of weeks back at work. I was talking to a co-worker (who happens to be 29 years old) and I used the phrase "The Eagle has landed." He looked at me in stupefied amazement and asked, "Do you even know where that phrase came from?" I came REALLY close to snapping, "Not only do I KNOW, sonny, I watched the event on T.V." I didn't though...I just smiled and said, "Yes, yes I do."