The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34057   Message #457461
Posted By: Musicman
07-May-01 - 08:25 PM
Thread Name: Proud Papa!!
Subject: Proud Papa!! (not what you think)
No, i do not have any more children.. (can't... sorry to disappoint!!)....


I now am the proud owner of another concertina!!... I have just purchased from a friend a Lachinal Duet Concertina... Ser #691, which, if I did the calculations right, dates it around 1879....

A beautiful instrument which fingers TOTALLY DIFFERENT from the Wheatstone concertina that I already have.... With a little bit of searching, I found out that this one uses the Crane system for Duet concertinas. Apparently, there are 5 or 6 different systems in use for duets, the most popular being the McCann system....(which is really strange, at least this one seems logical to my eyes and fingers)

Anyway, just thought i'd boast for a moment... it's such a neat instrument with a great sound.. i had to tell somebody!!

musicman (withaBIGgrin)