I'd say "The Spaw Has Landed" as far as I'm concerned. Although I am only four years older that MT, I have found that I more easily relate to people much older. No offense, Spaw, if that offends you. Perhaps it's because my career led me into situations where I constantly dealt with people older, and, many times, wiser, than myself.Odd thing, sometimes. Although you can learn a great deal from your juniors, most often, your seniors are the voice of wisdom. I just got an email from my ex concerning the death of a revered collegue over the weekend. While it saddened me greatly, I recalled that the crusty old bastard went out of his way to grind my ass every time he got a chance and I was better for it. It was his way of liking me !
Alex said... "Nobody cares what we think about, or like, or don't like, because there are too few of us... In this way we will take over the world."
Wrong, buddy. We all care. Young and old(er). Like Red Green says, "We're all in this together." And I can speak for Red on your last comment.... you ain't gettin the keys until you learn to drive.