The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34046   Message #457625
Posted By: Blackcatter
08-May-01 - 02:09 AM
Thread Name: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Subject: RE: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Good list Alex - you're a bit more advanced than me (I'm 35) but most of it rings true.

I used my mom's office word processor in high school and had to trim the right sides of the pages to satisfy a teacher who disliked "perfs" - that was not only before modern printers but even before "micro-perfed" paper.

I loved Pong - kinda wished I still had my set. I remember when the local pizza joint got a "color" version of Space Invaders - they had put transparent colored strips of plasic on the screen so that when the aliens descended they would change colors.

I had a scooby-doo lunchbox and then an Adam-12 one when a bully threw Scooby into traffic.

I miss the microwaves with the twist knob - it was easier.

We were excited by the animated movie "The Hobbit" in 1977

I had the "joy" of voting for Dukakas(sp?) for the first time.

The first gas I ever bought was over $1 because of the second gas crisis (1982).

We played D&D while listening to the final albums of the Eagles and Led Zeppelin. Our regular radio station was a "MOR" (middle of the road) that played Queen, Styx, Billy Joel, Jimmy Buffett, the Beatles, the Who, Kenny Rodgers, and Barry Manilow. I'd have to switch back and forth between 5 stations to get that mix anymore (not that I want to listen to Manilow).

2 days after the Challenger Accident I was only of the organizers of a SF Con - that was a strange weekend (comparatively so). It also introduced to me to Richard Feynman who would soon become one of my mentors.

The biggest thing though? - two words: STAR WARS

pax yall