The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34014   Message #457765
Posted By: Fortunato
08-May-01 - 08:58 AM
Thread Name: Message to CarolC
Subject: RE: Message to CarolC
Hi Carol C., it is I, Chance Shiver aka Fortunato.

I don't know where you live, but I am saddened that folk (or any) musicians anywhere would be exclusive or disencouraging. I think perhaps the discrimination you experience is rather like racial discrimation, it takes many forms and may be suble, yet damaging. Ethnic jokes are frowned upon by us but jokes about instruments are 'acceptable' somehow. Though I haven't made jokes about accordians, I have told a few banjo jokes. I meant no harm. But perhaps harm was done. I'm sorry I hadn't thought of the disencouragement, however subtle, that could occur. Thanks for making me think. I can relate somewhat. I have experienced a subtle, yet real ostracism by the folk community in Washington, DC. because I have played music and or instruments that some considered, not traditional or not folk. Though I have labored to provide venues for folk music in our town for 20 years, volunteered for years at our festival and served on the commitees, my performing is largely ignored by the folk community here. One pays a price for pushing the edges of genre to bring new life into the experience.(Or perhaps they just don't like it!) I encourage you to bring European circus music further into the folk tradition. Please PM me if you are near or come to Washington DC. I would like it if you would come to our house and make music us.

kind regards, Chance