The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34046   Message #457789
Posted By: KingBrilliant
08-May-01 - 09:26 AM
Thread Name: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Subject: RE: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Hey I feel all defined now. I'm a W-er. UK brand.
Remembers...(in no particular order)
Having no TV without being odd
Videos did not exist
Music was on vinyl
Decimalisation (just about)
Flares being really, really, really uncool
Punk & the hot summer of 76
Radio Caroline & Radio Luxembourg
OOoohhh just remembered those horrible 'flicks' hairstyles where girls folded back their overgrown fringes & glued them into flat boards using 'hair laquer'
Pale blue eyeshadow with flicks (see above)
Big pointy collars on men's patterned nylon shirts
Y-fronts!!!!!!!!! hehehehehe
Hotpants & tank tops
The Navy Lark on the radio
Do-Do-Pad diaries (of which I didn't get mum to buy me one til the fad was over.... ain't that always the way)
Belt & Loop ladies' 'things'
Dad contemplating the building of a nuclear shelter
Mum wearing 'coat-dresses'.
Men with perms.
'The Family' fly on the wall documentary.
