Well guys, Being born in 53, I guess that pretty much pigeon holes me into the Boomer catagory. I grew up watching Wally & The Beave,the Kenedy assasination,The Beatles,and the ensueing British invasion.
I watched the nightly news as Walter Cronkite read the daily casulty reports of the Viet Nam war.
I saw the Kent State tragedy & I took part in protesting the war.I can still remember looking at the TV screen,looking for my number in the draft lottery,(I was number 265). To this day,I cannot honestly say I would or would not have gone, had I been drafted. Luckily,by the time I turned 18,we were pulling our troops out of Nam & I was never called.
I lost a good friend to that war.
I saw the the civil rights protests in the south.The Martin Luther King assasination. I watched Neil Armstrong walk on the moon, & Richard Nixon's fall from grace.
I was lucky enough to see Jim Morrison & Jimi Hendrix in concert,(though not together) I got to see bands like The Who,Led Zeppelin,Jethro Tull,Steppenwolf,The Band,The Dead(about a half dozen times),The Allman Brothers Band with Duane. There were many others but I can't recall them all.
Some of these events were highlights in my life. Some I wish I could forget. ( I wish I could recall some of the events of the 70's a little clearer**BG**)
But I don't think we can define a whole generation by the events that take place during their lives. Rather ,let's define ourselves by the changes we've made in our society.
We Boomers didn't create the Viet Nam War,But I'd like to think we had an important part in ending it. And though I honor the men that fought & gave their lives to that war,I also honor the men that laid their freedom on the line to protest a war that was inherently wrong.
I've wittnessed major changes in racial attitudes in my lifetime. I'd like to think we all had something to do with that. Yet we've still got some folks out there screaming "White Power" & trying to pull us back into the 19th century.
So ,be you a boomer,a w, x, y or z'er,I think the labels are much less important, compared to what we do with our lives,& the changes we can still make.