I was born in September 1967. What does that make me?I remember John Lennon getting shot, Ronald Reagan getting shot, didn't somebody try to shoot the pope?, when MTV was new and CD players cost a small fortune. We all wanted to see Tom Cruise in Risky Business but weren't old enough to get in. Us girls wore fingerless gloves like Madonna and lots of black eyeliner. And I learned the preamble to the Constitution from Schoolhouse Rock and to this day can sing the whole damn song.
Where's the beef?!!?
I also remember the Not Ready For Primetime Players, and how scandalous it was to hear "Jane, you ignorant slut!" on television.
My brother, who is 46 (does that make him a boomer?) said he was shocked, just shocked I tell you, to be flipping the channels on cable and seeing some of what was on. Now, he is hardly a goody 2 shoes, but he said, man, I can't believe some of the stuff they show on TV now. When I was a kid, Lucy and Ricky had separate beds and they were married!
Mister is 45 (yeah, yeah, he's a little older than me) and got to watch all the good Westerns on TV. And see the BEatles on the Ed Sullivan show.