The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34046 Message #457956
Posted By: IceWolf
08-May-01 - 12:48 PM
Thread Name: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
Subject: RE: BS: Generation W members, Unite!
I was born in 1962, and have had my birthday this year, so I'm 39. I remember pieces of some of the events that have already been mentioned - Armstrong walking on the moon sticks out only because my sister's birthday was the same day.
I remember the night Nixon resigned because my parents came down to the baseball field where I was playing and pulled me out of the game to "witness history".
I vaguely remember the gas shortage, since I wasn't driving at the time.
I remember Challenger blowing up. I was in Basic Training at Fort Dix, NJ at the time.
My first stereo system had an 8-track player, and I remember the pain (as Alex mentioned) of finally converting to cassette. Much of my music is still on vinyl because I have been unable to find it on CD, though I pulled a lot off of Napster before they were shut down.
The first calculator I ever bought (1977 I think) could only do the basic four arithmetic operations. It cost almost $40.00. Last year, I made a reference to a "slipstick", and got asked what on earth I was talking about.
My first computer was a Tandy TX-1000 bought in 1988 while I was in the Army. It was one of the first with a 3.5" floppy drive. It ran MS-DOS 3.2. No Windows. I added a hard-disk to it later that year, paying $600.00 for a 60-Meg HD.