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Thread #7575   Message #45828
Posted By: Songbob
17-Nov-98 - 05:00 PM
Thread Name: Anti-war songs from WWI
Subject: Anti-war songs frm WWI
A British colleague of mine on a songwriting listserv is looking for any mention, info, etc., on anti-war songs from World War I, but with this caveat -- he wants ones that appeared on records or sheet music contemporaneously with the war itself. That is, "The Band Played Waltzing Matilda" is out, since it's modern, and not from that time period, and most of the actual military "trench songs" didn't get onto records. He's trying to find out if any such songs really ever got "out there," since that war was notable for its repression of anti-war speech, etc.

He'd accept anything up till, say, WWII, when anti-war songs would have a new focus.

Anyone know of any?
