The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #33987   Message #458301
Posted By: Philibuster
08-May-01 - 06:59 PM
Thread Name: Utter BS: Dungeons and Dragons
Subject: RE: Utter BS: Dungeons and Dragons
A favorite of mine has been that as a character steps through a curtain, he ends up in a large ball room that looks mysteriously like a chessboard. Depending on which square he stepped in on, he finds that he can only move like the corresponding power piece. On the other side of the board, a "black piece" appears, of the same type. The player cannot leave (via the other side of the board), until the black piece has been destroyed. Naturally, this requires lots of teamwork, and with some work and special detail applied to creative uses of weaponry, can be very amusing and take the entire night to figure out.

I just got a copy of the first edition "Temple of Elemental Evil" and have been busy taking lessons from Gygax on being evil. I haven't been able to find anyone to play with in a long time though, since most of my friends moved away. The local group lets the game control their lives, literally. Its ALL they ever talk about. And their munchkins besides.

Anyway, the radio should be coming on in a moment, so I need to stop my ranting and get Realplayer open.