The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34100   Message #458498
Posted By: Liz the Squeak
09-May-01 - 02:47 AM
Thread Name: Origin: The Titanic (husbands and wives)
Subject: RE: The Titanic (husbands and wives)
My dad worked with a bloke who was rescued as a child of 3 from the the Titanic, and he was travelling 2nd class. Also, one of my grandfather's uncles is named as a hospital steward on the Titanic - William or Richard Dunford - his family knew him as both, as when he was born there were 5 other Richard or William Dunfords in the same extended family. We haven't been able to trace him after 1912.... we don't even know if he was on it, because if he skipped ship - like so many did before it sailed - he would have changed his name to hide.....

Don't take the passenger list as gospel - lots of those crew were not on board when it went down!

I learned the song at school but could never find the book again afterwards - it was a school song book with other stuff like the proper version of the Red River Valley in it, probably published circa 1950 if it was anything like the rest of our text books......

I think singing the song will continue to make this thing a living memory, singing a sad song with a happy tune makes it stick in the memory. If we can't sing songs because some feel they are inappropriate, then there goes half the stuff from WWI.... and that was written by the soldiers themselves!!