The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #81   Message #459
Posted By: Alex
19-Nov-96 - 10:53 PM
Thread Name: Lyr Req: Edward
Subject: RE: Lyric Request: Edward
I see now what you were getting at with Edward and the Edward Ballad. What was confusing was that you were referring to Edward as Child #13 when what you have is an American version - perhaps more authentic in folk parlance as it has evolved from the old ballad to the point of mentioning "coon dogs". Since there are no raccoons in Britain, there never has been a need for dogs to hunt them. Not only that, but landed gentry like Edward NEVER went hunting vermin! I have sent the version I know as "Edward" to Dick for inclusion as the other Edward Ballad has only a slight relationship. On Barratts, I only wondered why I didn't get a hit on BARRET while it showed up searching on PRIVATEER.