The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34155   Message #459629
Posted By: Kim C
10-May-01 - 12:38 PM
Thread Name: BS: American bashing
Subject: RE: BS: American bashing
Well, it's a funny thing. I had always heard that people in Paris were very rude. I went to Paris and nobody, not ONE person, was rude to me at all. My French was limited (despite years of study!)but everyone was willing to communicate with me, even if it meant making silly hand gestures.

I think a lot of times, we fall into the delusion that the people of X country are like the people who run that country, because the people who run the country are the only ones we ever see on the TV news. But doesn't most everyone love somebody? Enjoy a good meal? Like to have fun? Worry about money? Like to dance when nobody's looking? I mean really.

It's like Sting said once, "The Russians love their children too."