The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34155   Message #459708
Posted By: M.Ted
10-May-01 - 01:45 PM
Thread Name: BS: American bashing
Subject: RE: BS: American bashing
Contrary to Kendall's assertion, international air fares are now so cheap that almost anyone who is inclined to do it can (I saw tickets to London offered for $328 round trip while at the mall yesterday)--With a little work, you can find a decent room in a decent London Hotel for 100 pounds, which is not hard to pay off on the VISA, especially if you are a couple of the clones that pile the commuter trains here every morning, and started your job a couple years out of school at $40k or more.Or it can be comfortably divided by three or four young sales associates from Walmart who will also find that they spend the same or even a bit less at the London clubs than in the ones at home--

At any rate, for every jerk American tourist acting badly in a public place, there are often a dozen or more discreetly hidden among the onlookers, inconspicuously dressed and as often as not, fluent in the native language-