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Thread #34155   Message #459872
Posted By: GUEST,oh well here goes
10-May-01 - 04:03 PM
Thread Name: BS: American bashing
Subject: RE: BS: American bashing
The remnant of White America - now rapidly being out populated by the rest of the people - are by and large very like Europeans in temperament but take one of those tanned Californians to a Paris Restaurant and there are bound to uncomfortable moments.

Thought the former are quick to realize the need for Linen and real metal table ware in Europe the latter are wondering where the nearest Burger King is at.

Loudness, since anyone in the USA can amass a vast fortune fairly easily there is no gaurantee that they be civilised or even literate. I feel some empathy with a cultured Russian who has to deal with such a person.

Missionaries, American missionaries are great fun but make not mistake they are not there to convert but to gather data for later conquest by Mc Donalds and other corporate entities.

So soon there will be Burgereskis all over the Russian Republic.

Inteligence and attention spans the American legacy. Constant mind numbing advertising has eroded the American attention span to one sentence. It is not their fault but the result of Coporate domination in a free market economy.

There are entire University departments devoted to selecting the next phychotrick to make a consumer forget the reason they are in a store and to make them WANT to buy some product. These include Mass Media hooks with in store prompts. Subliminal use of colors shapes etc. Mass market strategies like a diversity of product so large it is nearly impossible to make a comparisson between two packages. Example twenty kinds of Coffee can, all with the same grade content. America is about adevetising, pakaging , marketing and mass manipulation of how people think and what they know so they CANNOT make unwanted decisions.

The food chain and ADD - attention deficit disorder - There is so much sugar in the food chain in the USA that one hardly needs buy it seperately. This is not a result of any great scheme of the manufacturers but of the environment. For example Bread requires sugar to cause the dough to rise, wheras in Europe a little is all that is required in the Americas a great deal is necessary to gain the same effect.

Sweet potatoes and lots of sweet root crops grow well here but NOT in Europe.

Eating food in the Americas is weird for one used to European diet, since when in Eu one has a meal it feels as if it gives some support however I manny a time eat a meal in the USA only to find I am still hungry and the food merely fattens but gives no energy at all.

That is why I am utterly opposed to open EU markets to US ag products and can see why that would be a very grave error to the EU. I suspect they already know about the problem.

Why then should a diet of sugary and fattening foods contribute to ADD, I suppose the brain has a primitive mechanism that closes down and says GO TO SLEEP when the body is overloaded with Suragy fat food.

If I was in Russia I would keep to Russian foods and not eat in the Burgereskies.