The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7439 Message #46072
Posted By: skw@
19-Nov-98 - 03:49 AM
Thread Name: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Subject: RE: Mudcat(THE WORLD) Let us know Pt. II
Hello, although I have briefly introduced myself on the Mudcat (UK) thread I'll do it again. I'm Susanne Kalweit, single (save for tomcat, car and computer). Measurements: 44 / ? / 808 (age, IQ, bank account). I live in Kiel on the Baltic Sea, on the Northern 'tongue' joining Germany and Denmark. Folk music helps me take a break from my work in women's rights (all those lovely chauvinistic songs they used to have back then ... and sometimes not so far back then ...). I sing (in the bath), play tin whistle (badly) and CD player (excellently). Mainly I help organise events and try to get my favourite Scottish acts over here. It's getting harder, though, same as everywhere. So far, I have misused my PC at work for accessing the Mudcat, but am hoping to remedy that next year by getting web access at home. First thing I'll do then is apply for membership. Ah yes, and we had this winter's first snow last Monday. It's gone, but the weather has turned into a lovely dry frost. - Love to you all, Susanne