The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34155   Message #460731
Posted By: Jande
11-May-01 - 07:19 PM
Thread Name: BS: American bashing
Subject: RE: BS: American bashing
Guest,Joe... "I have also noticed shrinks have more problems then the people they are suppose to help so why would I want to pay someone to solve my problems when they can't fix their own."

Ah, you see... there's the rub...

The shrink's joob is to NOT solve your problems but to remind you that it is human to err, that we are all f*cked up together so have a little compassion, and be nice/good to ourselves, first.

Once we get that lot out of the way (can take two to ten years, btw) we can then start seeing ways to solve our own problems creatively.

I'd rather have a shrink that's "been there" anyday to those weird jerks that act more like missionaries and {{{shudder}}} social workers.

If anyone wants the number of a bona fide "been there and back again" counsellor who does phone work (and who doesn't charge you an arm, a leg, and your firstbornmale child), PM me and I'll give it to you. This guy is amazing! (I've known him for over 15 years)

Anyway to get back on topic. I moved here to the US of A in August of last year. I'm ashamed to say that I didn't realise how prejudiced I was by the media depictions of Americans. I hurt someone very close to me by expressing what I saw as "the world's view of Americans".

Having lived here for a number of months now, I can honestly say that the folks I've met here in the states are simply that --folks. The same as anyone anywhere. They have prejudices like every other nationality. But given a chance they are as human, humane, compassionate and sensitive as any other nationality, too.

I've learned my lesson, I hope. Now I tend to feel embarrased whenever I read or hear something that lumps all the american people together, especially if my sweet, sensitive (american)partner is present to hear it.

~ Jande