The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34155   Message #460734
Posted By: GUEST,Joe
11-May-01 - 07:21 PM
Thread Name: BS: American bashing
Subject: RE: BS: American bashing
hello hit the wrong button before.I just wanted to comment on a few of the other posts as well. Larry the only Irish reds I have heard of before were beers. All the true Irish I know even the non catholic ones proudly refer to the color green. I know what you mean by working class poor there is much of it here in the states. I would have to say though why those who hate communisn do so is because it was also accompanied by a dictatorship in there country which will always happen because some will always strive to be of the elitist group. Murray Macleod Are you originally from the Isles or are you a highlander? I Have lived here in the USA all my life and have never traveled overseas. I have to tell you though where I live is pretty quiet to when I lived in Florida but I can assure you in my experience there are rude people everywhere and if you look or happen to be unfortunate enough you will eventually meet them no matter what their social rank.I work with a few guys who seem to get there kicks off of making other people miserable and they are blue collar just as I am Well thats enough for now just remember look at the person for whom they are and not what they are