The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34148   Message #461038
Posted By: bbc
12-May-01 - 01:15 PM
Thread Name: BS: Congrats to bbc - tenure!
Subject: RE: BS: Congrats to bbc - tenure!
Hi, folks,

I finally have time to respond. I've lost track in some of these posts whether I'm being congratulated or roasted, but I appreciate the attention, just the same! Tenure in U.S. public school education can be offered after a teacher (or, in my case, a school librarian)has worked full-time in a school district for 3 years. It is a vote of confidence from the principal, superintendent, & school board that they are pleased w/ the person's work & desire that person to continue working in the district. In the 3 years before tenure is conferred, a teacher can be fired (not have contract renewed) without cause. After one is tenured, cause needs to be proven, unless one's job title is eliminated.

For me, this is very good news! I came into my career a little more than 10 years ago, out of necessity, when my husband left me w/ 2 young children to support. I went from being a content homemaker to working full-time as soon as my younger son started kindergarten. My first job was in a special ed K-12 hospital school, headed by an insecure principal who fired someone each year. My second year, it was my turn. After 6 months of unemployment, I secured a job at a residental school for emotionally disturbed inner-city boys. That job lasted 1 1/2 years, till a union dispute lost all untenured faculty our jobs & caused 18 tenured teachers to be suspended during 3+ years of litigation. Ironically, I was recommended for my 1st "regular" public school job for that next fall. I worked 2 full school years at a grade 1-5 elementary school in a snooty Southern Westchester County, New York town. Although I had gotten good evaluations from my principal & had no idea my job was in danger, 2 weeks before the end of my 2nd year, the superintendent asked me to resign. Unbeknownst to me, I was the victim of a political situation in the school district. The other school librarians in the district were all tenured & they wanted to keep 1 position untenured, as a playing piece. The person in my position had been fired every 2 years for 3 times before me & once after me, till the principal & superintendent left! I went into the summer without a job for the fall & with my resume in tatters. I was unemployed for a full 2 years, as I continued to seek professional employment at a rate of pay that would support me & my children in an expensive area where I needed to stay so they could have visitation w/ their dad. At the end of the 2 years, I was offered a job in a small, rural district at a grade 4-6 school an hour's drive from my home & at a lower rate of pay than my previous job. It turned out to be the answer to my prayer that I could find a job where I would be accepted & appreciated. In addition, Duane & I discovered that we really loved the countryside around my school & want to move there as soon as it is feasible (probably when my younger son completes high school in 2 years). A huge added bonus is that we've become close friends w/ Sandy & Caroline Paton who live 10 minutes from where I work. We love the idea of moving closer to them!

And now a few comments-- Thank you, Sandy, for starting this thread. Even though 5 people were given tenure in my building out of a staff of only about 20 total, we didn't get punch & cookies or even an announcement on the PA there, so your attention was really appreciated.

SINSULL, I know you were joking, but I don't get to slack off now. I have am obligations, so can't arrive late. Have no TA & only get a 30-minute lunch to Mudcat in. For me, in the past, tenure has only worked against me. One supervisor told me that, as an untenured teacher, I needed to be virtually perfect since they knew that, when I got tenure, I'd slack off. That really hurt my feelings, since I am not a slack off kind of person. Many districts in my area have high payscales & many tenured people. In recent times, particularly w/ special area teachers (art, gym, music, library), they keep you for 2 years & hire somebody cheaper.

Alice, Barabara is kind of cute. I've done that typo myself. Lately, my rude teenage son has been calling me Barbalee. I keep telling him my name is Mom!

Mick, I love you. Tenure a liberal thing? Yes, in a way. In education, like it or not, I am represented by a union. Has its good & bad points. I've worked hard to get to this point & figure I have earned it. If I slack now, that is an abuse. I figure, now that I have tenure, they'll just do as they've threatened & eliminate the whole tenure system. : ) We're unsure about the Get-Away. David still has high college bills & Duane still has no regular income. Any chance of a trip to NY?

Bill Sables--Yes to moving to Paton country, but I probably need to brave the darkness & deer for another 2 years. Love you!

kendall, shame on you! Conservatives cold & inhibited? No, silly goose, that's librarians! I specialize in myth-breaking! BTW, if conservatives aren't allowed to hug warmly, how do you suppose all those Born Again Bible Belters get such large families? : ) Just to set the record straight for those of you who may not know me, those hugs I dispense are warm, wholehearted, socially acceptable expressions of Christian love, showing my appreciation & acceptance of my brothers & sisters in God's eyes. Hey, guys, did you know you were getting that much?

Love & thanks to all,

bbc (basking in 10-year tenure-glory)