The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34285   Message #461808
Posted By: SeanM
14-May-01 - 04:15 AM
Thread Name: The best sea songs on disk
Subject: RE: BS: The best sea songs on disk
If you're lucky, you can actually find most of the 'Chants des Marins' series from Tower Records. For being corporate, they DO have a pretty good traditional section (at least, the ones in LA that I've been to do). I've seen all the Chants series and a good chunk of my collection that I own came from there.

I rather like the "A" list idea, Chanteyranger. We can dicker on what makes that one, but that's a pleasant activity over beer rather than the knives that a 'best' conversation sometimes brings out.

While we're here... Any dates up for the next Festival of the Sea yet? I might be able to make it up...