The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34299   Message #461940
Posted By: GUEST,Mr Red again
14-May-01 - 10:21 AM
Thread Name: songs about cider
Subject: RE: songs about cider
Johnny Coppin composed many songs based on Laurie Lee and his writings.
try looking for his record/CD's "I think he called the Laurie Lee one "the Edge of Day"
I went to a play written by him about Ivor Gurney & remember a song about "easing the vent" which was a barrel of cider I think.
Paul Burgess was in it and he has taken over from Johnny on the Radio Gloucester folk prog, Sat eve I think.
I will bump into Paul soon so can ask.
Johnny's wife is very ill and on a second round of chemo so he may be preoccupied right now.