The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #7522   Message #46374
Posted By: Tim Jaques
21-Nov-98 - 01:41 PM
Thread Name: Most un-favorite song topics
Subject: RE: Most un-favorite song topics
The worst lyrics are to rap and hip-hop songs. As was once remarked to me there are no rap or hip-hop love songs. You can't write a love song with the word "bitch" in it.

What about "She Got The Gold Mine, I Got The Shaft". Every so often a list circulates by e-mail with the titles of outlandish songs, presumably country and western.

I seem to recall Kinky Friedman writing a song with the title or refrain, "They Ain't Makin' Jews Like Jesus Any More" but IIRC it was an anti-racism song. I haven't heard anything of Kinky in years. Last I read of him he was writing novels, to promote which he was touring England in an enormous old Caddie with horns on the grill, with he and a female aide dressed in drugstore cowboy suits which he described as being "gauche even in Texas." I seem to recall that his band also had a provocative name.