The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34442   Message #464809
Posted By: Lonesome EJ
17-May-01 - 01:36 PM
Thread Name: Will Mudcat Survive?
Subject: Will Mudcat Survive?
Like many of the regulars here, I post to the threads almost daily, and this place is a real part of my world. But a couple of recent comments from Max and Bert got my attention. On a radio show a couple weeks ago Max said "if we're not bankrupt by the end of the year I'll be amazed". Now Max is kind of a kidder, so I'm not sure if he was serious or not. But I also read in a thread where Bert (who never jokes) said "suggest the Mudcat operating software to other sites. It just might mean the survival of Mudcat." So, part of this thread is a question to Max and Bert : Is Mudcat's survival in question? If that is the case, my second question is to the members of the Forum : what can we do to insure its survival?