The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #32190   Message #465006
Posted By: InOBU
17-May-01 - 04:46 PM
Thread Name: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
Subject: RE: Get More Folk in New York City!!!!
Hi Joy: Having read your message three times, and enjoying it each time, I would be happy to have the band concidered for one of your free concerts, though we don't do open mics, as the set up for a five piece band, which encludes as diverce instrumentation as ours, makes open mics not possible. We have four vocalists, including Eve Zanni, well known in Jazz and Irish folk circles, Gena Tlamsa, also known in Folk and Medievil music circles, Sarah Bell, on oboe and fiddle, Bill Bell on guitar, and of course yours truely on Uilleann Pipes and vocals as well as a smatering of other things, (most of our members play about three instruments. If you need a more recent CD than the last we sent, I'd be happy to send one. If you would like I can also send you reviews of our music from such respected mudcatters as Rick Fielding. The fact is we could get much more work if we did not do the kind of songs we do, about the killing of Amadou Diallo, and just did the happy face stuff. However, though we are obstinate in our belief that art has to be couragious about the issues of our day, we are also humble enough to beg.... PLEASE GIVE US A CHANCE!!! -
Your ol'l pal Larry