The Mudcat Café TM
Thread #34442   Message #465204
Posted By: DougR
17-May-01 - 10:55 PM
Thread Name: Will Mudcat Survive?
Subject: RE: Will Mudcat Survive?
Dick, I suspect that you are absolutely right. I also suspect that if a membership structure (strictly volunteer)devised, it might be surprising how much money could be raised.

Supposed for example a monthly membership structure similar to the following were offered: Member $1 (U.S) per month Friend $3 Supporter $5 The membership fees could be paid, monthly, quarterly or annually.

And suppose that 30 to 40 percent of those who access the Mudcat regularly chose to particpate at one level or the other, how much money would be raised? Only Max, bert, Joe, and perhaps you, would know.

A regular cash flow could be created for the Mudcat, and no separate organization would be necessary, and no one would be contributing so much that they might feel they should have a voice in how the Mudcat is operated.

Is that feasible? I think so. The key, I think would be to assure those who did not find the Mudcat valuable enough to them to contribute $12 per year, or simply could not afford it, could still access the site without predjudice.

I would suggest that those of you who operate the Mudcat take a pencil to paper, or turn to your calculator, and do a projection of what the possibilites for income might be.
